Welcome to the Bilsington Parish Council Website
The Village of Bilsington is a civil parish located within the Borough of Ashford located about 5 miles south of Ashford on the B2067 Hamstreet to Hythe Road North of the Royal Military Canal. The Parish covers an area of approximately 4.29 square miles.
About a quarter of the Parish is wooded, along most of the northern slopes leading up to the escarpment of the High Weald. The 2011 Census recorded a population of 284.
Your community needs you!
Parish Councillor Vacancy
Bilsington Parish Council currently has a vacancy for a member of the public to become Parish Councillor for Bilsington.
If you feel you would like to get involved in making decisions about your local community, local issues and make a significant contribution to the area in which you live or work, then this is the position for you!
Do you have an interest in your local environment, local transport, local government finances, amenities, planning and housing issues, community events, anti-social behaviour and policing, and want to make a difference then please apply!
- You must be aged 18 years and over, eligible to vote and have lived or worked in the parish of Bilsington for 12 months or more, or within 3 miles of the parish boundary.
Please apply by email to:
Peter Setterfield PSLCC, Clerk to Bilsington Parish Council
Email: [email protected]
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